Saturday, June 25, 2011

(Founder Stories) Reddit’s Alexis Ohanian Bows To “Lord Jobs” And Jabs Investors

Color gets bashed as being a contributing player to the so called startup bubble and the frat-boy attitude of investors from the Web 1.0 era don’t do much better in this episode of Founder Stories with host Chris Dixon and Reddit Co-founder Alexis Ohanian, who is now with Y Combinator and Hipmunk.

In a conversation spanning a variety of topics, you’ll hear Ohanian describe how “Lord Jobs” has indirectly contributed to the success of Zappos and Instagram, the gaping opportunities for start-ups to solve, and the attitude adjustment seen in present day investors; swinging a big load of cash (and something else) doesn’t cut it with this class of start-ups.

Make sure to watch the clip to hear insights on the above – and why we might expect to see a softer landing if the speculated bubble ever bursts.

Below, Ohanian describes his leadership style, why he thinks start-ups fail (it has more to do with just “bad logos” says Ohanian when pressed by Dixon) and what Ohanian looks for when hiring.

Past episodes of Dixon’s interview with Ohanian are here and here.

Prior Founder Stories interviews with leaders such as Seth Sternberg, Mike Walrath and Dennis Crowley are here.

Pizza Acasa

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